- Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC – Bucks County)
- Bucks County Intermediate Unithttps://www.bucksiu.org/
- Bucks County Children and Youthhttps://buckscounty.gov/297/Children-Youth
- Bucks County Opportunity Councilhttps://bcoc.org/
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)www.naeyc.org
- National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Carewww.nrckids.org
- United Way – Bucks Countyhttps://www.uwbucks.org/
- Bucks County Housing Linkhttps://www.buckshousinglink.org/
- Milestones Behavioral Healthhttps://milestonebh.com/
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Serviceshttps://www.dhs.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx
- Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvaniahttps://www.lasp.org/
- Bucks County Housing and Shelterhttps://www.buckscounty.gov/1364/Housing-and-Shelter